What Is Dosha And What Does It Mean To Me?

What is Dosha? In Ayurvedic medicine each of the three energies believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity. The Doshas are often thought of as biological energies found throughout the body and mind. Some people think of Dosha types as a way to understand the mental and physical characteristics of people to be used as a blueprint. One purpose of knowing the Dosha type is so that one could make wise decisions in governing their health so they can not only thrive in life, but also prevent the onset of disease. Knowing your Dosha type can help in building the proper skin care regime, utilizing the best food choices and even finding types of exercises for your body type. By taking time to study and integrate the findings into environmental factors which aid in effortless well being. It is important to note that the study of Ayurveda is a very in depth study which dives deeply into a science and an art. Knowing your Dosha type is a very small piece of the study, but not to mention a very important piece. In Ayurveda theres three main Dosha types: Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Each Dosha type eludes certain qualities and it takes time to understand these qualities once the intellectual side of the nutrition science is met. The ability to point out the Dosha qualities may come from an instinctive stance such as: People from the Vata group will showcase qualities reflecting air, people from the Pitta group reflect fire and water, and people from the Kapha group may reflect elements of water and earth. In knowing these types people can choose through certain food groups which may aid the balance of their Dosha. For an example, a person in the Pitta group which has a lot of fire may require cooling foods. The goal of learning about your Dosha type is also to utilize foods, movements and lifestyle regime which result in a balanced mind, body and spirit.

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