Healing from a Breakup
Healing from a Breakup can turn into an opportunity to renovate into becoming your best self.
Phase 1 Wisdom
- 1st Session-2 hour in-depth background interview and questionnaire to gain deep insight into the various aspects of one’s lifestyle and needs along with a take home program workbook.
- 2nd Session-1.5 Hours- 2 hour session on releasing the energy of a relationship and letting go of unresolved answers also known as “cord cutting”.
- 3rd Session-1 hour Kundalini Rising meditation and 1 hour hypnosis session of self esteem building.
- 4th Session-1 hour Dynamic Meditation followed by 1 hour guided hypnotherapy art session (no previous art experience required).
Phase 2 Renewal
- 5th Session-30 minutes Heart Math training and heart rate variability mapping and 1.5 hour releasing anger using hypnotherapy.
- 6th Session- 15 minutes of guided journaling on self love, 15 minutes relaxing breath exercise, 1.5 hour hypnotherapy of creating an exciting new future.
- 7th Session- 15 minutes relaxing breath exercise, 1.5 hours hypnotherapy of claiming acceptance, 15 minute guided writing session on a personal contract.
- 8th Session- 2 hour hypnotherapy session on healing and opening to soulmate love and hope and a take home signature aromatherapy scent to recall positive memories.
- Complete 16 hour deep healing from the breakup of a relationship is $1,600 (USD). Given the nature in the cycles of a breakup one should consider all 8 sessions to be completed in 2 months.